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Trey Thomas 
Designer + Photographer 

Hey there! I'm glad you're here + welcome!


My name is Trey Thomas - I am a New York based freelance photographer, artist and designer working at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill as an Architectural Designer in the Education and Public Health studios, as well as a founding member of the Equity Design Lab.

In 2018, I received a BA in Architecture from Brown University - in conjunction with the Rhode Island School of Design - through an experimental degree that saw a small cohort of students take both studios and lecture based courses from the two institutions.


Throughout my time at Brown and RISD, I used photography as a means of escape and meditation to cope with the rigor of my education. Serving as a creative outlet that ran parallel with my studies in architecture, photography allowed me to deepen my understanding of space, light, composition, materiality, and form. The conversation between my photographic discoveries, design work, and theory based courses on societal structures opened my mind to more fully grasp the world around me, and how I can make a larger impact. 

I want my work to help bring out the best in people, inspire confidence, liberation, and pride. While life can be serious, there's a severe lack of joy in the general conscious, and although many aspects of life are out of our control, interpersonal connections are an intentional and meaningful way to find that joy. That's why, to me, architecture, design and photography are such a powerful mediums to work within. 

Trey Studio Test-06.jpg

For Inquiries, please contact me below. No idea is a bad idea, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you! 

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